

Welcome to Jackson County Emergency Services District No.3

The Mission:

The Jackson County Emergency Services District No. 3 (Edna Fire Department) is to a leading agency in our community by:

           Meeting the needs of the community in Fire prevention, Fire suppression, Rescue, and Emergency Medical First Responder.  We will utilize and improve our dedication to the people of this community and constantly improve our services and skills. 

Our Policy:

             Give top priority to firefighter safety and environmental concerns.  Encourage the professional and personal development of our personnel thru development of in-house training program.  Work as a team as Volunteers and Career firefighters and take full advantage of our skills, knowledge and creativity.  Communicate openly and honestly to our members and community to inspire trust and confidence.

How it Started:

            In 2013 Jackson County Emergency Services No. 3 was formed through a majority vote of the property owners within its district. This was done to ensure that adequate funding was available for Emergency Services within the proposed service area. Taxpayers  approved a 10 cent per one hundred dollar tax on their property to properly fund the service. 

Area Covered:

            Jackson County Emergency Services District No. 3 (Edna Fire Department) is the largest Emergency Services District in Jackson County, spanning the area that runs from HWY 59 Lake Bridge to the Victoria County line and from Lavaca County Line on HWY 111 to the Meeting of the Lavaca and Navidad Rivers to the South.  Communities served are the City of Edna, El Toro, Morales, and Cordele areas in Jackson County, Texas. 

Jackson ESD Fire map